Library Collection
Azad College of Education Satara Library has well equipped up-to-date with varieties of books in Education and other reading material. More than 31209+ Textbooks and Reference books are available in Library. Various periodicals of National and International repute have been available for the sake of all round development of students. 9 daily newspapers of state and National level both in Marathi and English and 25 Periodicals/Journals on various disciplines are subscribed. The library collection comprising of books, journals, theses and other reading material as on Jun 2020 stands as follows:
Total No. of Library Books
Sr. No. Book Accession Type :- Total No. of Books
1 Library Accession :- 23622
2 UGC Books :- 5033
3 Book Bank :- 2528
4 Donated Books :- 26
Total Books :- 31209
1 Library Accession :- 23622
2 UGC Books :- 5033
3 Book Bank :- 2528
4 Donated Books :- 26
Total Books :- 31209
Print Material
1. Periodicals/Journals :- 16
2 Referred Journals :- 09
3 Newspapers :- 09
1. Periodicals/Journals :- 16
2 Referred Journals :- 09
3 Newspapers :- 09
Non-Print Material
1. N-list (INFLIBNET) :- Available
2. Downloaded e-books :- e-text books ( 56)
e-reference books (19)
1. N-list (INFLIBNET) :- Available
2. Downloaded e-books :- e-text books ( 56)
e-reference books (19)
1. Students :- 135
2. Staff :- Teaching (14) + Non-Teaching (6)
1. Students :- 135
2. Staff :- Teaching (14) + Non-Teaching (6)